Captain America

Sierra and I went to the movies with an out-of-town friend the other week.  After much deliberation we decided to go see Captain America for two reasons: (1)  Everyone we know that had seen it really liked it and (2) it was the only appropriate movie playing anywhere.  Now don’t get me wrong, I like superhero movies just fine.  I’ve seen all the Superman movies (I like the old ones best), I own all the Spiderman movies, and I’ve watched most all the others.  Normally, though, I just wait for them to come out on dvd to watch them, I don’t usually pay to see them on the “big screen.”  On my kind of budget I go to the movies once in a blue moon, and I don’t even go to the new theater – I’m a dollar theater type person. 

Anyhow, we went to the BIG THEATER and saw Captain America!  Of course there were the cool graphics and complicated fight scenes, and they were all that I expected them to be.  But aside from the explosions and choreography,  I really enjoyed the movie.  I mean, the idea of a little guy who wouldn’t give up trying to help his country isn’t all that new, but it’s a great story all the same.  The fact that they turned him into a giant buff soldier is…different…but the main concepts were the same.  Loyalty.  Bravery.  Self sacrifice.  Honor.  Justice. 

But when I was watching this movie I wasn’t thinking “Wow, Chris Evans is so amazing.  We should all try to be just like him.”  No, something came to mind that we’d been studying in our youth bible study at church…something that God’s been bringing to my mind a lot lately.  1 Corinthians 1:27 says “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 

Over and over in the Bible and in history God took people who were small and insignificant (the little guys), and made them great.  Dwight L. Moody was a poorly educated shoe salesman, but God called him to share the gospel of Christ.  Against all odds, this uneducated unprepared man became one of the greatest evangelists of our times.  Common fisherman became the Disciples of Jesus, the honored few who went everywhere and shared everything with Him.

How awesome is it that our God takes the weak and makes them strong for His glory?  All of us have our weaknesses, and He can use any one of them to do His will.  I’m not saying that we should all go inject ourselves with blue serum, grow giant muscles, and start fighting red-faced Nazis (even though that would be pretty cool).  I’m saying that we should always be ready to follow God’s call in our lives, and HE will give us the strength to follow that calling.  The weaker you are, the more flaws you have, the greater God will make you for His purposes. 

So are you ready?  Do you accept the challenge?